Tips: How to Plan a Romantic Dinner at Home

Having a romantic dinner at home can be much more special than eating out — not to mention less expensive. If you want to plan a romantic dinner at home with your date, all you have to do is thoughtfully prepare a menu and set the mood before the dinner date starts. Follow these steps to find out how to have romantic night in with your special someone.

Method 1 of 2: Planning a Menu


Choose your drinks. If you’re planning to have a romantic dinner at home, then the first thing you’ll do is have a drink to inaugurate the start of your nice home-cooked meal. Wine is the most romantic choice, so if you and yours are wine drinkers, be prepared with a bottle of red or white wine (or more), depending on what you’re eating. Red wines tend to go best with steak and other meats, while white wines are better on summer evenings and go well with lighter foods like shrimp or salads. If you’re having a more casual meal or just really like beer, then beer is fine, too.

  • If you plan to drink beer, white wine, or another beverage that should be cold, make sure to put it in the fridge well in advance.
  • You should also prepare some water with lemon in it for a nice touch. Put a pitcher of cold water on the table. You don’t want to run to the fridge for water in the middle of the meal.


Choose simple appetizers. After you pour your drinks, you should be ready with some simple appetizers. You don’t want to spend an hour sipping your drinks and standing around waiting for the food to be ready. Though preparing food together — or some of it — is part of the fun of having a romantic dinner at home, it won’t be much fun if you’re both too hungry to feel romantic. Having a few simple appetizers ready, or planning for very simple treats that are easy to assemble, will get your meal off on the right foot. Pick simple finger foods that are fun and easy to eat while you’re in the kitchen. Here are some perfect appetizers to try:[1]

  • Make some bruschetta earlier in the day. All you need is a baguette, garlic, olive oil, onion, tomatoes, and a few other simple ingredients.
  • If you’re feeling fancy, you can make deviled eggs the night before and enjoy them while you wait.
  • Prepare some home-made guacamole (or buy it) earlier in the day and serve it with a small bowl of tortilla chips.
  • For the summer, make simple salad with four ingredients: watermelon, feta cheese, sunflower seeds, and mint.
  • Hummus with pita chips and fresh veggies is always a big hit.
  • Though cheese and crackers are traditionally eaten at the end of a meal, mix things up and enjoy a plate of them as an appetizer. Gouda, brie, and fontina are great cheeses for crackers.


Choose your main course. Your main course should be something simple that doesn’t require a lot of prep — or something that you prepared, or partially prepared earlier in the day, so it only takes about 45 minutes or so to finish the meal. If you’re making home made pizza, start the dinner with all of the ingredients out and your oven preheated, so all you have to do is place the ingredients on the pizza together and place it in the oven. Here are some other things to keep in mind as you choose your main course:[2]

  • Sautéed chicken and vegetables are a good candidate for a romantic dinner at home. Just make sure you wash, marinate, and bread the chicken in advance so you don’t take up too much time.
  • Baked salmon with rice and brussels sprouts is another great option for your home-cooked meal.
  • If you’re choosing pasta, instead of messier spaghetti or fettuccine, choose penne pasta, tortellini, orzo, or ravioli, which will be easier to eat.
  • Don’t make foods that require too many ingredients and which will require a lot of cleanup during or after dinner. You may love making your mother’s twelve-layer lasagna, but it will take all night and will leave a mess.
  • Choose foods that are aphrodisiacs for an even more romantic night. These foods include oysters, almonds, basil, and asparagus
  • Don’t cook with too much garlic or onion, or you may not be feeling so romantic after your meal. The same goes for foods that are too rich and creamy, which will leave you feeling bloated.
  • Avoid foods that are too messy to eat, like lobster or French Onion Soup. If you made a salad, make sure that the lettuce is chopped well so it’s not hard to get it in your mouth.
  • As you choose your main course, you should think of something simple that your date can do to help you out, whether it’s to chop celery and tomatoes, or to put together a simple salad.


Choose a simple dessert. If you’ve done a good job with the wine, appetizers, and main course, then chances are that you won’t have much room in your stomach by dessert time. Instead of preparing an elaborate dessert, just pick up some cupcakes from your favorite local bakery or put some ice cream in the freezer and serve it with whipped cream and a handful of raspberries and blueberries.


Have a backup plan. Though your romantic dinner at home should go as smoothly as possible, you should have a backup plan just in case. This doesn’t mean that you should have another home-cooked meal prepared, but it does mean that you should have a safety plan in case something goes wrong. This could just mean having the menu to your favorite sushi restaurant or popping a frozen pizza in the fridge. If you’re stuck at home with no other food and no other options, then you may be in trouble.

Method 2 of 2: Setting the Mood


Decide on the location. You can always eat in the garden if you have one. This can be very romantic if the season of the year is right, and if you have a nice, bug-free garden. You can also eat in the kitchen, but then you will have to hurry to clean everything and make it look nice. If you can, pick a location where you don’t normally eat, so the night feels special. If you have a “fancy” dining table that you never use, now’s the time.


Plan to use your nice dishes. You may have a nice set of crystal glasses and fancy plates, napkins, and silverware that you never use because they’re only for special occasions. Well, the occasion is now — bring them out and take pleasure in how much they add to the romantic atmosphere.


Choose your romantic decorations. Flowers, rose petals, and unscented candles will do the trick – you have many options and will just have to be creative. Remember that candles are essential for a romantic dinner, so light several candles and place them on or near the table. Flowers, such as elegant roses, are almost as important. They look really good at the table, whether it’s something extravagant or simple. Just keep in mind that you should be able to look at each other over the table.

  • Playing some soft jazz or romantic music in the background can add to the romantic ambience as long as it’s not too distracting.


Dress up. Before you start your dinner date, take a shower and put on some perfume or cologne. Dress up just like you were going out to dinner. Put on some casual, but nice clothes, and look refreshed and effortlessly attractive. Your partner will appreciate the effort, and the night will feel even more special. Just make sure you decide on a dress code with your partner before the date, so you both look equally fancy.

10Avoid all distractions. Make a plan to avoid all distractions so that you and your date can be free to enjoy your delicious meal — and each other’s company. So, if you have kids, arrange to have a sitter watch them away from home well in advance. Other than that, turn off your phones, the television, and radio, and focus only on each other. If there’s going to be a big game on that night and one or both of you is a big sports fan, you may want to reschedule your date so that you aren’t distracted. Once all the distractions are put away, you can focus on having a romantic evening.

Tips: How to Be a Gentleman

A true gentleman is respectful to everyone in his orbit, from women he’d like to date to elderly people who need help with their groceries. He takes impeccable care of his appearance, is polite to everyone who deserves it, and is kind to women regardless of whether or not he thinks he has a chance with them. To be a true gentleman, you need to be self aware, mature, and courteous. Although it seems that chivalry is dead, you can make a difference by making the effort to bring more respect and care into the world.

Part 1 of 4: Being Presentable


Maintain proper hygiene. Make sure to bathe regularly. When applying deodorant or cologne, don’t use a lot. Some girls may not like the smell and if you reek of it, they’re not going to be pleased. Also, make sure you don’t use too much hair gel — it’s sticky and can get rock hard after a while, making your hair look a little stiff. The important thing is to take regular care of your body and that you look polished and clean before you step out.

  • If you don’t smell clean and fresh, then it doesn’t really matter how charming you are or how your clothes look. It’s important to get the hygiene down so people don’t get distracted by an unpleasant odor or appearance.
  • Make sure to wash your hands after you use the bathroom. It’s the gentlemanly thing to do and helps to prevent spread of disease.


Wear flattering clothes. If you want to be a gentleman, then you should wear clothes that fit your body well, eliminate flashy clothing and avoid fashion “faux pas” (e.g. baseball hats cocked slightly to the side). A simpler wardrobe will keep the emphasis on you, not your clothes, which will change your appearance. Stick to simple, solid colors such as blacks, grays, and browns. There’s no need to wear graphic tees, neon green shorts, or obnoxiously large watches. Keep it simple, and you’ll look elegant and gentlemanly.

  • It’s very important to wear pants that fit you. Make sure to hold your pants up with a nice simple belt to show that you’ve really put a lot of thought into your look.
  • The next time you need a suit, make sure you get measured for one instead of picking one out yourself. A true gentleman makes an effort with his appearance and goes the extra mile to wear well-fitting clothes. wearing a suit that actually fits you instead of one that is one, two or even three sizes too big.
  • It’s also important to wear the right clothes for the occasion. Try to stick to appropriate dress codes, whether wearing business casual clothes for work, or to wear formal wear for a wedding. And keep in mind that it’s better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed.


Groom yourself well. To be a true gentleman, you have to make sure your hair is regularly combed and that you either make a point of shaving your facial hair or that you maintain a nice, solid beard. Avoid the stubble and go for a nice clean shave every morning, or you will look sloppy. Keep a comb handy so you can run it through your hair (in private) if your hair gets windswept or loses volume after a long day.

  • Even having clean nails makes a difference. Clean under your fingernails and trim them every day or two to make sure your hands have a neat appearance.
  • Trim any protruding nose hairs to maintain a groomed look.


Have a firm handshake. A true gentleman knows how to give a true handshake. Whether you’re meeting your future boss, your girlfriend’s dad, or your sister’s boyfriend, you should make sure to look the person in the eye, grip his or her hand firmly, and show that you mean business. Don’t grip too hard to show off, but give a firm grip to show that you care enough to make an impression. This shows that you’re a gentleman who takes the time to acknowledge new people.

  • If a new person that you don’t know walks into the room and you’re being introduced, give him or her the courtesy to stand before giving him or her a handshake.


Avoid any offensive actions in public. If you’re in public, then you should avoid farting, belching, speaking too loudly, being overly demanding, grabbing your crotch, or getting too drunk. A gentleman is always in control of himself, body and mind. If you do lose control, however, it’s important to apologize instead of acting like nothing happened.

  • Remember that a true gentleman is a person who can go out in public without making a scene or embarrassing himself.
  • Self-awareness is a key part of being a gentleman. Always consider how others may perceive you, and be aware of how your actions may be considered offensive.

Part 2 of 4: Being Polite


Help the people around you. Always be aware of how you can help people. Wait an extra few seconds to hold the door for the person behind you. Offer to help people get their grocery bags to the car. You don’t have to go overboard and risk hurting yourself (e.g. if you’ve got a precarious grip on something heavy, don’t open the door for someone) but respect is paramount. True gentlemen don’t only focus on the women they like and ignore everyone else; being a gentleman is a way of approaching the world and all of the people in it, not just the ones you’d like to date.[2]

  • Be on the lookout for people who could use some help but who may not want to ask for it. The man carrying a tray of coffee would love it if you opened the door for him, but he may not ask.


Make polite conversation. Be prepared to ask questions or make statements of courtesy, like “How was your day”, “May I help you?”, “Let me get that for you”, or “I’ll take care of that”. Learn to speak slowly and carefully and to take the time to really talk to people in a polite fashion, no matter how rushed you may be. Whether you’re talking to your neighbor or the cute girl in your physics class, make an effort to smile, to be friendly, and to make interesting small talk about how your day is going. A gentleman doesn’t cut right to the chase, but takes his time getting to know people.

  • Being able to make conversation is a sign of class and maturity, which are two important aspects of being a gentleman.


Avoid cursing at all costs. Don’t swear. Don’t be vulgar. If it’s too difficult to stop cursing all together, tone it down a lot. It’s just not gentlemanly to curse. If you do curse, you should apologize and try to keep the behavior from happening in the future. If you’re in a situation where you tend to curse more often, such as watching sports or driving in traffic, take extra care to watch yourself so you still come off as a perfect gentleman.

  • Along with cursing, you should avoid any lewd or vulgar comments in general. And remember that what’s funny to you and your buddies behind closed doors may not always be appropriate for a girl you’re courting.


Don’t talk about yourself too much. You can tell people enough to let them know a little bit about you, at first, but you should wait to really reveal every last thing about yourself. In addition to making you a much more desirable conversationalist, it will make you seem more mysterious to not share too much, which many women find attractive. Get a basic idea of what’s going on in music, sports, and politics so you can sound intelligent when you make conversation. Be sure about subjects you state are important to you by making the effort to stay up-to-date on them.

  • Instead, focus on asking people questions about their interests, hobbies, and plans. Let them know that you’re more interested in them than yourself.


Avoid bringing up controversial or uncomfortable topics. Learn to avoid politics until you know someone better, and learn how to be neutral if someone else brings it up. A simple shrug will do wonders. A gentleman doesn’t make other people uncomfortable. Be focused more on being agreeable and making people feel comfortable than in proving that you’re right and that the other person’s opinions are worthless. You don’t need to show someone up to impress women; what’s far more impressive, in fact, will be your ability to get along with people.

  • Always remember to know your audience. What may be funny to a working class guy from the Bronx may not fly with an upper crust Manhattan socialite. Be sensitive to the needs and interests of others.


Treat everyone with respect. Being a gentleman doesn’t just mean being polite and courteous to beautiful women; it means being respectful to other men, to the elderly, and even to children. A true gentleman shouldn’t be able to turn his charm on and off, and he should be kind and respectful to absolutely everyone who deserves it. Respect a person’s space by not standing too close when you talk to him or her. Respect a person’s privacy by not peering over his or her shoulder or asking too many personal questions. The key is to make people feel comfortable and good about themselves, not like they’re being mistreated.

  • Say hello to people when you walk by them, ask how they’re doing, and know when they want to be left alone.
  • Avoid speaking too loudly or making too much of a racket in public or even in your home, out of respect for your neighbors. It’s not respectful to act like you’re the only person on the planet.
  • Make sure to chew your food with your mouth closed, with respect to your dinner partners.


Avoid physical altercations. Avoid fighting, as it isn’t the best way to solve problems; however, a real gentleman never backs off when he’s challenged, always standing up for himself and his values. Remember to prioritize and not sacrifice your values for someone who is clearly just picking a fight with whomever will join in. If someone is simply embarrassing himself by offending you, don’t sink to his level, but walk away.

  • Don’t think that women are impressed by machismo or fighting. It’s much more impressive — and gentlemanly — to show that you can settle an argument without fighting.

Part 3 of 4: Being Courteous to Women


Don’t treat women like objects. The worst thing you can do to a woman is look her up and down like she’s a piece of meat. Women are human beings with their own thoughts, hopes, and goals, and you should never ogle them and treat them like they’re only there to serve as a feast for your eyes. When you meet a new woman, ask her name and get to know her for real, instead of just staring at her like you’re undressing her with your mind.

  • Gentlemen understand that women are to be treated with respect. They don’t talk to them with cheesy pick-up lines and prefer some tasteful, lighthearted flirting instead.


When you’re walking down a street with a woman, walk on the side closer to the traffic. This is an old-fashioned gentlemanly action that is done so that you “protect” the woman from the street as you’re walking. You can take it or leave it, but you should be aware of it. See how the woman reacts when you try it and use that to determine whether she finds the gesture sweet or dated.


Avoid discussing topics that are probably not of interest to her. If you bring up a subject and she doesn’t seem interested, move on to something else.


Don’t talk down to women. It’s okay to tease them, but being cruel is not the way to go. Teasing does not mean calling them vulgar words, however. No matter how joking your tone is, it hurts a woman when a so-called “gentleman” calls them a dirty word. Also, don’t ever, ever act like you know more than a woman about something just because you’re a man because you think that you can really “teach” her something.

  • One sign of a fake gentleman is a man who is nice to a woman who starts talking down to her the second he realizes she doesn’t view him romantically. To be a true gentleman, you should accept the idea that not every woman in the world will fall for you and still treat them with kindness, no matter what they want or don’t want.


Decide whether you want to follow some dated traditions. It can be tricky to know exactly which traditions to follow. In fact, following some of them can even offend some women, who feel empowered and independent, and see the idea of being “helped” by a man as being outdated and even offensive. Here are some other traditions that were formerly seen as gentlemanly, which are beginning to lose steam:[3]

  • Reaching for a check.
  • Helping her with her coat.
  • Standing when a woman enters the room.
  • Offering a woman your seat.

Part 4 of 4: Being a Gentleman to Your Girlfriend


Be selfless. Remember to keep doing nice things for your girlfriend when you’re around her. If she’s carrying something, pick it up when she puts it down and always kindly let her know you want to help by saying “oh, let me get that for you”, whatever the object is. Remember, being selfish is not attractive. If you are watching television with your girl and you know she likes a particular show or sporting event, leave it there. She will appreciate that little bit of selflessness more than you know.

  • That said, you don’t want to make the girl feel helpless, or like you should do everything for her, either. Take note — if she seems annoyed when you try to carry things for her or help her out, then you may want to back off and give her help when she really needs it, not just symbolically.

Give her unexpected gifts. It can be nice to show up with a card or a flower, and not just for holidays. Expensive and showy doesn’t matter; it’s the effort. In fact, a rose, a little love note left on her pillow, the gift of a book she’s been wanting to read, or a heartfelt kiss will keep any girl happy for days. These little gifts will make her see that she’s on your mind even when she’s not around and that you’ve taken the effort to get her something.

  • Though candy and flowers are nice, personalized gifts are even nicer. Two tickets to a play she’s been wanting to see, a souvenir with her name on it from a place you had to visit without her, or a poster that made you think of her, really show that you’re thinking about her, not just some romanticized version of what any girl could be.

Give her lots of affection. If you really like your girlfriend, let her know it through loving touches. If you’re in public, hold her hand or put your arm around her shoulder, or give her a peck on the cheek when you want to. When you’re alone, you can be a bit more intimate, by kissing her on the neck, or caressing her back or thighs, as long as these advances are wanted. To be a real gentleman, you should move slowly, and wait until the girl is ready before you try anything beyond kissing.

  • True gentlemen are proud to be seen with their girlfriends and give them lots of affection, even if their friends are around. Don’t stop holding your girlfriend’s hand when your buddies are around; that said, it’s not very gentlemanly to try to make out with your girlfriend in public, either.

Stand up for your girl. Don’t go around punching everyone who looks at her sideways, but if anyone is giving her looks or unwanted advances, intervene. Put your arm around her shoulder and move yourselves away, or go to her and speak up for her. The physical contact reassures her and lets the aggressor know that he’s got to deal with both of you. It’s not gentlemanly to let other men make advances toward your girl or to make lewd comments about her.

  • You shouldn’t threaten to beat the guy up or call him names. Instead, take the high road and find a classy way to tell him to back off.

Don’t say anything negative about her to your friends. If you really want to be a true gentleman, then you should never say anything negative about the girl you’re dating to your friends. You may think it’s cool to complain about your girlfriend or to act like you’re really not into her, but this is incredibly lame and disrespectful behavior that will get back to your girlfriend and make you look pathetic. The only time you talk about your girlfriend to your friends is to praise her or to genuinely ask for their advice in a given situation.

  • The key to being a gentleman is to have respect for all people. There’s nothing more disrespectful than airing you and your girlfriend’s dirty laundry just to get some laughs.

Don’t reveal too much about her to your friends, either. Another thing you should avoid if you want to be a gentleman is to tell your friends about your latest sexual progress with the girl you’re dating. It’s just not gentlemanly to talk about finally having sex with the girl you’re dating, what she’s like in bed, or even what kind of a kisser she is. This kind of thing is meant to stay between the two of you, and telling your friends what happened — or didn’t happen — between the sheets is about the worst thing you can do to a girl.

  • Whether you’re dating the girl or just have gone on a few dates with her, you should really keep your bedroom habits to yourself. If she finds out, she’ll be furious, and you’ll have a reputation of kissing-and-telling.

Don’t make her do anything she’s not comfortable with. A true gentleman recognizes a woman’s limits and respects them. If the girl you’re dating or seeing isn’t ready to sleep with you — or doesn’t want to come even close before marriage or a serious commitment — then you should respect this decision instead of putting pressure on her to do more. Having sex or getting more intimate may not seem like a big deal to you, but every woman has her own limits and her own ideas of what she wants to do with her body. Don’t ever make her do more than she wants to do, and don’t ever, ever make her feel bad for sticking to her guns.

  • A true gentleman lets the woman make the calls of how far she wants to go and never makes her feel guilty or bad for not doing what he wants. He takes the time to listen to a woman and has the patience to wait for the one who is worth it.

How to get rid of bags under your eyes

Dark discoloration of the skin under the eye is mainly referred to as dark circles. It is also known as dark rings or shadows.

Some of the main causes behind the formation of dark circles are heredity, aging, dry skin, prolonged crying, working for long hours in front of a computer, mental or physical stress, lack of sleep and an unhealthy diet. Both men and women of different age groups can have dark circles.

Dark circles are not a serious skin problem, but they make people look tired, exhausted, unhealthy and older. You can easily get rid of unsightly shadows under your eyes using some easy home remedies.

Here are the top 10 ways to get rid of dark circles fast.

1. Almond Oil

Almond oil is a great natural ingredient that is very beneficial for the delicate skin around your eyes. Regular usage of almond oil will help fade your under eye circles. In addition to almond oil, you can use vitamin E oil to eliminate dark circles under the eyes.

  1. Before going to bed, apply a little almond oil over the dark circles and gently massage it into the skin.
  2. Leave it on overnight.
  3. The next morning, wash it off with cold water.
  4. Follow this remedy daily until the dark circles disappear.

2. Cucumber

Cucumbers have skin-lightening and mild astringent properties that help fix those raccoon eyes naturally. Plus, they have a soothing and refreshing effect.

  • Cut a fresh cucumber into thick slices and chill them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Put the slices onto the affected skin area for about 10 minutes. Wash the area with water. Repeat twice daily for about a week or more.
  • Another option is to mix cucumber juice with lemon juice in equal amounts. Use a cotton ball to apply the mixture on the affected skin. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash it off with water. Follow this remedy daily for at least one week.

3. Raw Potato

There are natural bleaching agents present in potato that can help lighten dark circles and get rid of puffiness around the eyes.

  • Grate one or two chilled potatoes to extract the juice. Soak a cotton ball in the juice and place it over your closed eyes. Make sure the juice covers the dark circles under your eyes as well as the eyelids. Allow the juice to sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse your eyelids well with cool water. Repeat once or twice daily for a few weeks.
  • Instead of potato juice, you can also use thick potato slices to remove dark circles.

4. Rose Water

Rose water has incredible ingredient for skin care. It rejuvenates the skin and has a soothing effect on tired eyes. Due to its mild astringent properties, it also works as a good skin toner.

  1. Soak cotton eye pads in pure rose water for a few minutes.
  2. Put the soaked pads on your closed eyelids.
  3. Leave them on for about 15 minutes.
  4. Follow this remedy twice daily for a few weeks.

5. Tomato

Tomatoes have bleaching properties that can lighten skin to a great extent.

  • Mix one teaspoon of tomato juice with one-half teaspoon of lemon juice. Gently apply this mixture on the dark circles and allow it to sit for 10 minutes. Rinse it off with water. Follow this remedy twice a day for a few weeks. Simply using tomato juice will also work.
  • You can also drink a glass of tomato juice with some mint leaves, lemon juice and salt. For maximum results, be sure to drink this juice immediately after making it. Drink it once or twice a day for about a week.

6. Lemon Juice

The vitamin C present in lemon juice can also help remove dark circles under the eyes, thanks to itsskin-lightening properties.

  • Use a cotton ball to apply fresh lemon juice around your eyes. Leave it on for about 10 minutes and rinse it off. Do this once daily for a few weeks.
  • Another option is to make a thick paste by mixing one tablespoon of lemon juice, two tablespoons of tomato puree, a pinch of gram flour (besan) and turmeric powder. Apply this thick paste gently around your eyes. Rinse it off with clean water after 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat two or three times every week.

Note: If the lemon juice causes a burning sensation then discontinue its use.

Method 1 of 3: Quick fixes

Drink Plenty of water

Drink plenty of water. Under-eye bags are often caused by the retention of water due to high salt concentration in the area. You might wake up with bags after eating a salty dinner or crying; whether it’s from tears or food, salt can draw water to your face and cause it to collect under your eyes.

  • Flush excess salt from your system by drinking water. Avoid salty foods for the rest of the day.
  • Stay away from drinks that cause you to become dehydrated, like coffee and alcohol.


Soothe your eyes with something cold.[1] You’ve probably heard that placing cucumbers over your eyes will help reduce bags, but it’s actually the cool temperature that soothes the area. Cucumbers happen to be the perfect shape, size and texture to treat under-eye bags, so go ahead and slice one up – just make sure it’s been chilling in the refrigerator beforehand.

  • If you don’t have a cucumber, wet a few teabags and chill them in the freezer or refrigerator before placing them over your eyes. Use a soothing tea, like chamomile or peppermint, so you get the benefits of aromatherapy at the same time.


Put on some concealer. In the short term, concealing under-eye bags and circles with a little makeup is the quickest and most effective solution. The right makeup can greatly reduce the appearance of bags and keep you looking fresh all day. Follow these steps to apply concealing makeup:

  • Choose a concealer that matches your skin tone. If your under-eye bags are dark, you could also go one shade lighter. Apply the concealer with your finger or a cotton ball. Make sure you dab it on lightly instead of rubbing it into your skin. The makeup will conceal your bags more effectively if it stays on the surface of your skin.
  • Follow the concealer with a brush of powder to help it set and stay in place all day. Use a matte powder (not one with shimmer) and a blush brush to apply a little powder under your eyes.


Use teabags. The tannin in the teabag can sometimes help ease down under-eye bags.

  • Boil water and dunk two teabags into the hot water.
  • Bob it up and down until they are soaked through.
  • Remove and allow to cool on a plate. If wished, cover face, nose, eyes, with paper towel or face washers.
  • Lie down somewhere comfortable. Place one soaked teabag over each eye. Put your feet up, relax for a few minutes.
  • After a little chilling out, remove the teabags. Hopefully, things will look a little less puffy when you check the mirror again.

The world famous party boy Corey Worthington is back for round two

Remember that Aussie kid who threw a massive party while his parents were away? The dude in yellow sunglasses who then told the world he didn’t give a damn? Well, he’s back.

Lauded as the party thrower like no party thrower before him, 16-year-old Corey Worthington “went viral” before the cool kids Down Under knew what viral was.

Worthington hosted a party in 2008 at his parent’s house in Melbourne, Australia, that got totally out of control after he put an invite on MySpace and 500 party animals turned up. It ended with guests smashing cars and destroying neighbour’s property before the police shut it down using the riot squad, helicopters and the dog squad.

All teenage attitude, inappropriate nipples and obnoxiousness, Worthington was interviewed at the time by A Current Affair reporter Leila McKinnon, who scolded the teen and told him to “take off his glasses and apologise” to Australia.

“I’ll say sorry but I’m not taking off my glasses … cause they’re famous,” Worthington retorted, before telling other kids who are considering throwing a party to “get me to do it for you.” When McKinnon told Worthington he needed to go and take a good, hard look at himself, he responded: “I have, everybody has, they love it.”

They loved it so much, Worthington (also known by the last name Delaney) was rumoured to be the inspiration behind the movie sensation Project X, which also depicted an out-of-control party.

It has been seven years since those wild days, and McKinnon sat down again with the party favourite in an A Current Affair segment airing on Thursday night local time.

After milking the life out of his meme fame, Worthington is now attempting to set up a business called Not Sorry Entertainment and live a new, normal life with a flashy new home, a fiancee and a dog.

Worthington tells McKinnon on the program he still has the yellow shades. “I will never let it go. I was 16, had fun and yeah, I always will have the yellow sunnies close to heart,” he said.

Worthington, who now sports a massive neck tattoo, used his 15 minutes of fame in 2008 to get on the reality show Big Brother before trying, unsuccessfully, to launch a career in the U.S.

“Yes there was a lot of up and down times with it all, but like I said 16 turning 17 it was a lot of fun I guess for someone that age,” he says, “Getting cameras thrown at your face, money left right and centre, it was, yeah, a big enjoyment, I sort of just took the ride and just enjoyed it really.”

Seven years on, he seems to be still enjoying his 15 minutes of fame. Sans sunglasses.

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Pretty Ideas for a bad hair day

easy hair styles When you have no time to fuss over your hair, here is your salvation: Each of the following no-sweat hairstyles takes just one product and three moves. The side braid

The Side Braid

Witness the comeback of braids, which haven’t been this stylish since, well, fifth grade. What makes this updated version grown-up is its soft texture and relaxed style. “It’s chic yet beachy,” says Laurent Philippon, a hairstylist in New York City. Let pieces fall forward to add to the casual appeal.How to: (1) Using your hands, work a golf ball–size dollop of mousse through dry hair. Try Barex Gloss Mousse Normal Hold on wavy hair,Strong Hold on fine (each $26, (2) Finger-tousle hair for fullness. (3) Gather strands under one ear, braid, and secure with an elastic. For a more polished look, watch this video and learn how to French braid hair. The Triple Knots

The Triple Knots

This creation only appears elaborate; making the three small rosettes couldn’t be easier. It’s their position, nestled together along the nape of the neck, that gives the style an elegant vibe.How to: (1) Comb hair back, divide into three sections, and create three low ponytails at the hairline. (2) One at a time, twist each ponytail length and wrap the hair around the base of the tail, creating small buns. (3) Secure with bobby pins and set with hair spray, like L’Oréal Paris Elnett Satin Hairspray ($15 at drugstores).

The High Bun

The High Bun

Somewhere between laid-back and ladylike, this look works on long orshort hairstyles and is ideal for tucking away unruly bangs. The knot’s location—at the crown of the head—draws attention to the eyes and the cheekbones, giving your face an instant lift.How to: (1) Spritz a texturizing spray, like Bumble and Bumble Surf Spray ($23,, on dry hair, scrunching sections to create body. (2) Gather hair into a high ponytail so it rests at the very top of your head. Secure with an elastic and use bobby pins to tack up shorter strands in back. (3) Gently tousle the ends, randomly twisting them under and pinning them around the ponytail’s base. For longer lengths, create a loose bun and secure with pins.

Modern Ponytail

Modern Ponytail

Gathering hair into a low pony is simple, but you can make it look sophisticated and polished by creating a deep side part before securing your strands. “This feminizes and softens the look,” says Luigi Murenu, a hairstylist in New York City. How to: (1) Sweep a defrizzing serum, like John Frieda Frizz-Ease Serum ($10 at drugstores), through wet hair, then blow-dry hair straight with a paddle brush. (2) Line up a comb with the arch of your eyebrow and make a part. (3) Secure hair in an elastic at the nape of your neck.
Quick Twist

Quick Twist

A classic French twist looks just as appropriate with a sundress as it does with a formal gown. Plus, it’s deceptively simple—even with shorter lengths.How to: (1) Work a volumizer, such as Redken Thickening Lotion 06 Body Builder ($13, for salons), through towel-dried hair, then scrape hair back with your fingers to create natural-looking volume. (2) Smooth hair over to one side and secure with several bobby pins down the back of the head (where the center of the twist will lie) in a vertical line. (3) Flip hair to the other side so strands cover the line of pins. Roll and tuck the hair ends under, securing with larger U-shaped pins to hold everything in place.

INFOGRAPHIC: Top Valentine’s Day Trends On Facebook

Individuals on Facebook affection to post about Valentine’s Day — whether its discussing how astonishing their loved one is, or deploring the commercialization of Feb. 14. Facebook discharged an infographic Thursday through Facebook Stories, indicating how individuals are captivating with the occasion on the informal community.


10 Cookie Dip Recipes That Are Impossible Not to Try

Genuinely, we’d set up a gathering just to celebrate how great these dips are.



In case you’re an aficionado of the first Italian baked good, you’ll go insane over this thick ricotta-based dip, bested off with chocolate chips, pistachios, and new orange get-up-and-go. Bellissimo, for sure.



Maybe a standout amongst the most fantastic combos ever—cherry and chocolate, that is—take middle of everyone’s attention with this treat that your family and companions might breathe in a matter of seconds.



Serve this tasty chocolate, marshmallow cushion, and peanut spread with vanilla wafers and pretzels. Alternately get straight to the point and run at it with a spoon. Nobody is judging here.



We’ve discovered a definitive gathering dip here with this cream cheddar and cake blend combo. Dab into some strawberry cuts and voilà.



This formula is so basic its insane. Blend your fixings in a dish, include nourishment coloring and chocolate chips, and eat up. Less prepare time implies additionally consuming time, which we’re gigantic enthusiasts of.



So suppose it is possible that the occasions are over and the enrichments are brought down—you can undoubtedly set aside a few minutes of the year.



In case you’re an obstinate “salted caramel” fan, however are similarly as dedicated to your life as a chocoholic, then this present one’s certainly for you. This dip consolidates the best of both planets.



Given us a chance to all take a moment to pay a few genuine nomage to the astounding mixture that is exemplary confection containers, peanut spread, chocolate chips, cream cheddar, margarine, and sugar.



For those looking to chomp on something some more tart, scoop some of this cream cheddar, lemon curd and whipped cream lighten on a wafer. That in that spot is the thing that we call a compelling treat.



Got key lime squeeze and sweetened dense milk? Everything you need are these two fixings that is correct, you read that privilege an hour for refrigeration, and a lot of graham