WATCH: San Diego Fox News station uses picture of Obama as suspect in rape case


While reporting that San Diego prosecutors were dropping charges against a man accused of rape on the San Diego State University campus, San Diego Fox News 5 used a picture of President Obama over a caption reading “No charges.”

According to Times of San Diego, during Friday night’s broadcast, news anchor Kathleen Bade was explaining that the San Diego District Attorney’s Office had decided to not file charges against a 20-year-old rape suspect due to a lack of evidence.

As Bade said “The only suspect in a sex assault at SDSU will not be charged,”  a photo of the president popped up over her shoulder with a caption: “No charges”

According to Fox 5 assignment editor Mike Wille, it was an accident.

“Yeah, there was an accident when they had an over-the-shoulder” display, Wille explained. “It wasn’t on purpose.”

According to Wille, no calls were received from Fox viewers complaining about the mix-up.

Watch a clip of the broadcast below, uploaded to YouTube by Times of San Diego:

By Ariana Wallace Posted in news

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