How to Minimize Pores Naturally

Pores are tiny hair follicles in the skin. They may take on a larger appearance when they are clogged with dirt or oil. They can become larger due to the increase of dead skin cells that gather at the base of the pore. Pores also get larger if you squeeze blackheads or pimples (which also damages and scars your skin). The most effective means of minimizing pores naturally is to keep them clear. This includes regular cleansing, exfoliating and care.minimize pores naturally

Method 1 of 3: Using A Steam Bath To Open Up Pores

Consider using a steam bath. Steam is recommended by estheticians for opening up the pores to clean them out. [1]

  • Cleaning out your pores can help to minimize their appearance.
  • Steam is a cheap and all natural way to minimize your pores.
  • You can add herbs and scented oils for a nice scented steam bath.
  • Spas often use steam baths as a treatment for large pores before a facial.

steam bath

Heat up some water in a kettle or pot on the stove. You will want the water to be hot enough to steam.[2]

  • Heat a larger pot of water to make sure you have enough for a steam bath.
  • Make sure it is hot enough for steam, or else this method won’t work very well.
  • Take the water off of the heat once it is steaming.

Add dried rose petals, scented herbs, or essential oils to the water. You use many different herbs or spices, depending on your preference. [3]

  • Estheticians recommend basil, mint, rosemary, and lavender for a relaxing scent.
  • If you prefer other herbs or spices, you can use these as well.
  • You could also try adding orange peels or lemon peels the water for more scent.

Cover the bowl of water with the herbs in it with a towel. The towel will help to trap any steam.[4]

  • Let this sit for 5 minutes.
  • The sit time will help your herbs to steep and will allow steam to build up.
  • Don’t let the bowl sit too long or the water will cool too much and you might lose steam.

Take the towel off the bowl. Slowly move your face over the steam. [5]

  • Do this for 10-15 minutes, inhaling the aromatic scent.
  • This will allow the steam to bring oxygen and moisture to your face.
  • The moisture and oxygen from the steam will help to open your pores for cleaning.

Rinse your face with tepid water. This will allow you to wash off any oils or debris released from your pores during the steam bath.[6]

  • Don’t use water that is too hot or too cold.
  • Pat your face dry with a clean, dry towel.
  • Avoid using any lotions or oily products on your skin after this steam bath, as they may re-clog your pores.

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